The Ultimate Guide to Hard Wired Security Cameras with SD Ca

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The Ultimate Guide to Hard Wired Security Cameras with SD Ca

Messagepar Elliottcat » Jeu 29 Fév 2024 20:57

What are some options for a hard wired security camera that has the following features:

It does not require any internet, wifi, or phone connection at any stage of installation or operation.

It only records video to a removable SD card when motion is detected, and not continuously.

It does not send any notifications to any device or use any apps.

am looking for a camera that meets these criteria because I want to have a simple and discreet way of monitoring my property without relying on any external network or device. I also want to be able to check the recorded footage on my computer whenever I need to.
Messages: 3
Inscription: Mer 14 Fév 2024 13:38
Localisation: Indonesia

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